Burano, Italy – The Rainbow Island that will make you smile

Burano Italy

Take a virtual tour with us to the colourful Burano Island in Italy and if this place doesn’t make you smile then I don’t know what would!

Burano is 40 minutes away from Venice by boat and is the most colourful of the lagoon islands and arguably the most colourful town in Europe. It is famous for its techno coloured fishermen’s houses and if you were wondering if people actually live in these houses, the answer YES people live in the houses, a whole 2,600+ people live in this town.

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Legend has it that the colour of houses was basically the address (i.e. pink house on the left) and it helped local fishermen coming to shore identify their own homes especially during the fog season. Don’t you just love Europe! And even till this day, if someone wishes to repaint their home, they must send a request to the government, who will then respond allowing only the specific paint colors permitted for that area of the island. It is apparently famous for its lace-making but to be honest I went there for the colors.

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Smiling yet? 🙂

How to get there

Option 1: You can take the normal tourist route and go on the three Island tour to Burano, Murano and Torcello from San Marco which I personally recommend as you get to go to Murano which is famous for its glassmaking and watch it being made at the factory. It costs about 20 Euros.

Option 2: Go the gangster route and in Venice take the LN (Laguna Nord) ferry from the Fondamente Nuove stop on Venice’s northern shore (be sure you have the right stop). Normal Venice ACTV transport tickets are valid for the journey.

Eating in Burano

There are a small range of cafes and restaurants. If you go with the three Island tour above chances are that you wouldn’t have time enough to eat. However, if you do i hear that Ristorante Riva Rosa largely serving seafood is a good one to try out though a little expensive but the views and ambience compensate.

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Smiling yet? 🙂


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4 replies
  1. Mz C-me says:

    I was smiling as I was reading this post. Gosh, the town looks so beautiful and colorful. I would definitely add this to my must-visit list. Thank you for letting us experience this location through you. 🙂



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