5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Running On Holiday

A strong body makes the mind strong… – Thomas Jefferson 

There are so many benefits of running such as a healthy heart, weight loss, stronger immune system, stress relief and lots more. However, the question is would you really want to run while you are on holiday?

For me, running has become one of my favourite hobbies. Its easy, put on a pair of trainers and run! It does not require much, there is no equipment needed… just go!

So, at home we have made it a habit to still run while on holiday… After all we have to make space for all that good food we eat during the holiday and little exercise is better than no exercise! I have pictures below from running in Nice, running in Florida and running in Marseille, France at the end of the post.

Here are some good reasons why you should consider running during your holidays, or some form of exercise in the least (Hope you are inspired):


1. Different Scenery  – It gives you different scenery to your normal day such as running by the beach shoreline, parks etc.


View running in Marseille France

2. Surroundings overview – It gives you an initial view of your surroundings before you set out for your day. During my last holiday, I was able to find the harbour, way to the city centre and other attractions before setting out for the day, which was very helpful.

3. Race tourism – I recently learnt about this concept, it is racing (signing up for a race) in a foreign destination. This is also a great way to both explore the sights and meet like-minded people. You can search the Internet and after a little browse you will be able to find and sign up for races in your holiday destination. I will be signing up for a race in my next holiday destination. I will keep you posted! On the plus side, you get to go home and enjoy wearing your exotic race t-shirt whenever you feel like it.

4. Less inconveniences – Less pressure from things like work getting in the way, so you can take your time and have a leisurely or longer run if you please.

5. Feeling happier – Exercise in General makes people feel happier by releasing a chemical in the brain that plays a role in happiness, the chemical is called Dopamine!




Running in Nice, France – July 2013

Some Important things to note:

  • Don’t put yourself under pressure with your run, be flexible, go at your own pace and enjoy the run!
  • You can find great running routes around the world on sites like http://www.mapmyrun.com/. You can also ask your hotel for a good running route
  • Keep safe, let people know where you are going, when you will be back and be reachable.

Here are some photos of myself and my husband running in other countries and taking the time out to take a picture, more photos to come :). He is such a good sport. Be inspired!


Running in Tampa Florida – Feb 2013



Running in Marseille, France – April 2013



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