Run Lola Run! -The Reasons Why I Run

I always dreamt about being fitter. I was not so committed but I always had good intentions in my heart but they never quite manifested!

Where I live, we have a communal gym, but I could never find the time, so I joined the gym at work and thought I could go during my lunch for one of the aerobics classes but work “apparently” got in the way.

Bottom line is after years of trying, I realised that the problem was all in my mind, my mind-set! I just hadn’t prioritised on fitness and that’s why I could never find the time! The hard truth.

Get your mind set right and the work is half done – Lola E.



Then I had a wakeup call! About two years ago, I had a major health scare and after doing my research I realised that people who exercise regularly were at a much lower risk of so many health issues. So, contrary to popular belief, exercise isn’t just about losing weight, exercise combats many health conditions and diseases.

The NHS website states that, It’s medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:
up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes
up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer
up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer
a 30% lower risk of early death
up to an 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis
up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture
a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults)
up to a 30% lower risk of depression
up to a 30% lower risk of dementia

So why do I run?
– I run because I feel free when I run, it clears my head

– It builds me up, after I complete my goal, I feel like I can do anything!

– It’s easy, I just get my trainers out and hit the road

– I can do it anywhere, whether at home, or on holiday…

– It’s fun! There are so many running communities and events out there it’s amazing. It makes me feel like I am part of something significant

– It is a sport of discipline, sometimes of sacrifice, and always of self-assurance. The individual rewards can be quite powerful.

– You burn the most calories running than any of the other exercises such as swimming, aerobics, skipping… given the same time


What has helped me?

– I prioritise on my run! In a way, it’s prioritising on my health. I get it done in the mornings before life gets in the way. Find a time that works for you!

– Taking one step at a time, one day at a time

– Remembering that a 10 minutes run or walk is far better than none!

– Starting at my own pace


By sharing the reasons why I run , I hope I have inspired you to at least get your trainers out of your closet 🙂

Don’t underestimate the power of willpower – Lola E.

Why not add running to your regime this weekend? What are you waiting for?!

Enjoy some pictures of my recent 10km Nike / Elle Run! #weownthenight







Our Treat!




Our Gift!20140521-134104-49264307.jpg











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7 replies
  1. ozzy Iyamabo says:

    love your post. I am also a runner and my experience has been priceless. i cant quantify the peace of mind and the good health i enjoy since i started running. keep up your good work,,cheers

  2. Chazza says:

    Lolaaaaaa!!!! Saw your post the other day about 15K I almost quenched!! Love this piece tho.. very encouraging. My best to day is 5K and that was like 6 yrs ago. Now only do 3K at a stretch :(. God help me. Yes I can!!!!!!! :))) Best xx

    • weekenderhq says:

      Hey Chazza! Haha! Thank you!!! 🙂 Well done on the 3km! Its wayy better than 0km lol! You’ll be surprised on what you can do when you push yourself. Yes you can! 😉 xxx

  3. Yemi says:

    My fellow runner, completely agree with you. Running is the one time I feel completely free. When I go on a long run, I feel the stress and strain dropping off me. Running Rocks. Now we have to get you moving beyond 10K to a half marathon

    • Lola E
      Lola E says:

      My fellow runner indeed 😉 I am with you on that! My longest run so far has been 13km… next year I certainly have to do a half marathon! Cheers 😀


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  1. […] me, running has become one of my favourite hobbies. Its easy, put on a pair of trainers and run! It does not require much, there is no equipment […]

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