10 Interesting And Shocking Traditions From Around The World

tomato_girl-on-flo_3018524kVia the telegraph.co.uk 

While we may already be accustomed to the some cultures and traditions. Here are some interesting and shocking ones from around  the world.

1. Baby Throwing

Via Huffington post

In Maharashtra state of India, it is common practice to drop babies from roughly 50 feet onto a bed-sheet that is being held stretched. One of the beliefs is that it would to bring good health and good luck to the family of the child.  


2. Tomato Throwing Festival
Via the telegraph.co.uk 

In Spain, Tomatina is the biggest tomato fight in the world! It usually takes place in Valencia. At the peak of the tomato season a wild battle develops as thousands of people bombard each other with ripe tomatoes. Rivers of tomato sauce run down the streets. After the tomato war is over, everyone gathers at the town square for food and wine festivities. 


3. Mind your foot

In Thailand, for adults to point a foot at someone is extremely insulting. The case for this is that since the foot is the lowest part of the body it is held in the lowest esteem. So you need to be careful when sitting down with your feet out. Likewise, as the head is the highest part of the body, it is never touched directly by others for this is considered an insult.


4. Remove your shoes

You must always remove your shoes before you enter a Japanese home. This custom goes back at least as far as the Heian period (794 – 1192 ). It is speculated that one of the reasons that footwear was treated in this manner was because of the high rainfall and the generally very damp climate and a house would rapidly get dirty if people walked in wearing mud-covered footwear. This custom is still practiced today in most private homes, traditional inns and restaurants.  Read more at TFJ.
 Via – http://insidejapanblog.com/tag/japanese-culture/


5. Kanamara Matsuri festival
 Via Huffingtonpost Chris McGrath/Getty Images

Kanamara Matsuri is simply put a penis festival. Each spring, people swamp to Kawasaki in Japan, usually on the first Sunday in April for the festival.This Japanese tradition celebrates the penis and fertility by holding phallic-themed parades. A gigantic penis is hoisted into the air and marched across town. Nowadays, the festival apparently brings safe sex practices to light and fundraises for HIV prevention. 

6. Eating Cremated Ashes
 Via itthing.com

The Yanomamo tribe of Venezuela and Brazil eat the cremated ashes of family members. They forbid preserving or keeping any parts of their deceased so instead, the body is cremated and the ashes, which includes crushed bones, are given to the family to be eaten. 

7. Cows Are Sacred

In Hinduism, the consumption of beef is taboo out of respect and honour for the cow. A significant number of Hindus, are vegetarian, abstaining from eating meat. However, those Hindus who do eat meat abstain from the consumption of beef in particular, so are able to eat Lamb, Goat etc. This is because the cow holds a sacred place in Hinduism. 

8. Cats Rule
resttabarcaisIn Ancient Egypt, cats were held in very high esteem by the ancient Egyptians, they cats came to be observed as protectors of evil by the ancient Egyptians, and were domesticated by them. It is believed that the animals reached an important place as the protectors of the country’s grain, as they killed rodents and snakes. The ancient Egyptian law forbade the killing of cats, except of course for sacrificial purposes. The punishment for killing or harming (even accidentally) even a stray cat in Egypt was death. More at Buzzle.


9. Thinking of sending Christmas card in a red envelope

Think again. In Japan is considered very inappropriate and constitutes bad etiquette since, in Japan, funeral notices are customarily printed in red. 

10. Thumbs Up Gesture
 Via tofugu.com

While Thumbs up signifies well done in many cultures. In Greece, It can be tricky to give the thumbs. Especially if it is thrust up, it could essentially be easily confused with “Up yours!”.

 Which ones surprised you the most?

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1 reply
  1. Faylinn says:

    I had no idea that people in Japan printed their funeral notices in red. I think that this is a very important cultural thing to take note of so that someone doesn’t offend them. If they don’t use red in their Christmas celebrations, then what other colors to they use on that day?


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